
Invoicing made as easy as 1-2-3! Manage accounting without blowing your budgetBe your own personal accountant effortlessly

Streamline business invoicing and accounting with Invoice123 automation. Choose our online solution to manage finance from a single, intuitive platform.

Manage invoicing and business accounting effortlessly

Easy-to-use Software

Create, customize and send invoices in minutes, and manage accounting without breaking a sweat. 95% of our users call Invoice123 intuitive and super-easy to use.

Ever-evolving Features

Stay ahead of the game with our ever-evolving platform. We regularly add new features and integrations based on user feedback and upvotes.

Cost-effective Solution

Get started for free and experience the ease of accounting and invoicing automation without breaking your budget as you grow.


  • Professional-looking invoices
  • Automated expense tracking
  • e-Commerce integrations


  • VAT invoicing and reporting
  • Accounting software integrations
  • Warehouse and waybill

Choose your plan

Starta Plāns

Tikko izveidotiem uzņēmumiem, kas saņem savus pirmos ieņēmumus.


Stabiliem un augošiem uzņēmumiem, e-komercijai

Kopējais rēķinu skaits
Konta lietotāju skaits
Kontam piesaistīto uzņēmumu skaits
Sinhronizētu bankas kontu skaits
Rēķinu un izdevumu eksports dažādos dokumentu formātos
Daļēji maksājumi
Iespēja atzīmēt daļēju rēķina apmaksu
Pielāgojamas rēķinu veidnes
Nodokļu kalkulators + Grāmatvedības palīgs
E-komercijas integrācijas

Klientu pārvaldība
Produktu pārvaldība
Mobilā versija

20+ Moduļi
Mobilā versija

3.30 € / mēnesī
3.30 € / mēnesī
9.99 € / mēnesī
11.99 € / mēnesī
Save 20% by paying annually
14 dienas izmēģini bez maksas
Starta Plāns
3.30 € / mēnesī
3.30 € / mēnesī
30 Rēķini
€3000 limits
1 Lietotājs
1 Uzņēmuma veids
1 Bankas integrācija

Klientu pārvaldība
Produktu pārvaldība
Mobilā versija

9.99 € / mēnesī
11.99 € / mēnesī
Klientu pārvaldība
Neierobežoti rēķini
Vairāki lietotāji
Vairāki uzņēmumi
Vairākas banku kontas
Maksājumu atgādinājumi
Rēķinu eksports
Daļēji maksājumi
Periodiski rēķinu izrakstīšana
Pielāgoti rēķina logotipi

20+ Moduļi
Mobilā versija

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Invoice123?
To use our platform, select a plan (Starter, Freelancer, or Business) upon account registration. Then you’re good to go with a free 14-day trial. Sign up now.
Promo codes, coupons, and other special offers are available through the Invoice123 referral program. Try it out.
Select any plan (Starter, Freelancer, or Business) and Invoice123 will give you a 14-day trial of free invoicing.
First, create an account on Invoice123. Fill in your business details in the registration window. Then, create an invoice in seconds: enter the transaction details, your product or service information and send the invoice to your customer.
Click “Register” and enter your business details, then choose a plan. Once you have created an account via the Registration page, you can change or add information in Settings.
Invoice123 is an online solution for easy invoicing and accounting. Plus, with Invoice123 all of your data is stored securely on a single platform. The system performs  automatic calculations, displays your business activity statistics, allows you to manage payments, and sends attachments and invoices directly to your clients in a few seconds.
Invoice123 subscription plans start from €3.30. Each plan comes with a free 14-day trial period.
Invoice123 is ideal for people who are self-employed under an individual activity certificate. The system displays the taxes you need to pay (PSD, VSD, GPM), generates an automatic individual activity log, sends invoices, and manages your goods or services, including payments. It contains everything to make your income tax return and accounting run smoothly. With Invoice123 accounting for the self-employed becomes a breeze. The single platform for invoicing and accounting comes with convenient features::
  • Business activity statistics,
  • income and expense management,
  • tax settings,
Basically, it contains everything you need to make your income tax return and accounting run smoothly.
You can manage accounting effortlessly with Invoice123 through our integrations with Lithuanian accounting software: Rivile, Centas, Debetas, Finvalda, APSA, Optimum, Lobasoft, and others.
You can easily integrate Invoice123 with the most popular e-commerce systems: Woocommerce, Shopify, or API.
You can generate invoices on Invoice123 in DOC or PDF formats.
The Invoice123 system allows you to create invoices in both Lithuanian and English.
Send invoices immediately after you create them or save in the system to send later. You can also use an SMTP service to forward invoices to your client.
You can create a VAT invoice by selecting the "New invoice" button in the system. Choose "VAT invoice" as the type, add the customer details and the goods or services provided, and forward it to your customer.
Create an advance invoice by selecting the "New invoice" button in the system. Choose "Advance invoice" as the type, add the customer details and the goods or services provided, and forward it to your customer.
You can create a credit note by selecting the "New invoice" button in the system. Choose "Credit note" as the type, add the customer details and the goods or services provided, and forward it to your customer.
The automatic payment offset module on Invoice123 allows you to combine payments with invoices. Please select one of the following banks our system supports: Airwallex, Citadele, Luminor, Medicinos Bank, Monese, N26 Bank, PayPal, Revolut, SEB, Stripe, Swedbank, Wise, Šiaulių bankas.
Quick and easy invoicing and accounting with Invoice123 is available to all self-employed individuals and businesses.
Invoice123 is perfect for all types of companies: joint stock companies (AB), associations, individual enterprises (IĮ), small partnerships (MB), private limited companies (UAB), NGOs (VšĮ), and others.
Invoice123 is a reliable and safe platform. The fully encrypted system meets Tier III standards, is equipped with SSL, and has ISO 9001 certification.
You can use Invoice123 at any time and anywhere. You can also change the system language to English.
Invoice123 has a Mobile version for quick and convenient invoicing and account management on your mobile device.

Third Party Integrations


30K happy users

  • Elymus



    Mēs izmantojam Invoice123 jau 13 mēnešus, tas ir apbrīnojami, kā to visu laiku uzlabo un attīsta. Mēs noteikti uzliksim mūsu abonomentu uz automātisko atjaunošanos!

  • Production studio

    Production studio


    Mēs izmantojams Invoice123 piecus gadus un tas nekad vēl nav beidzis darboties un ar to nav bijušas nekādas problēmas. Tā vietā, tas tiek uzlabots ar jaunām funkcijām. Tas ir īpaši vienkārš, intuitīvi izmantojams un ļauj izdarīt visus grāmatvedības un rēķinu izstādīšanas darbiņus bez piepūles.

  • Aivars



    Esmu ļoti apmierināts! Invoice123 ir ļoti atbilstošs nosaukums, jo rēķinu izstādīšana ir tieši tik vienkārša mums jau vairāk kā piecus gadus! Rēķinus var eksportēt jebkādā formātā, tostarp IMAS (tas padara mūsu grāmatvedi ļoti priecīgu).




    Tas ir elegants, vienkārši izmantojams rēķinu izstādītājs, es to izmantoju jau gadiem. Atbalsta komanda vienmēr ir tev blakus, lai risinātu radušās problēmas. Izstrādātāji to pielāgo savu lietotāju vajadzībām.

  • Simona



    Tas ir uzticams grāmatvedības rīks uzņēmumiem. Kā arī tas nepārtraukti tiek uzlabots! Viņi to turpina uzlabot un pievienot tam jaunas funkcijas bez papildu maksas.

  • Margas Miskas

    Margas Miskas


    Mēs izmantojam šo rēķinu izstādīšanas rīku jau gadiem. Invoice123 ir vienkārši izmantot, tā ir ļoti tieša programmatūra un viņi ātri atbild uz visiem jūsu jautājumiem.

  • We Cut

    We Cut


    Mēs izmantojam šo rīku jau vairāk kā septiņus gadus, tas, kas ir patiesi ievērības cienīgs, ir tas, kā tas nepārtraukti tiek uzlabots ar jaunām funkcijām, moduļiem un lietotāja dizainu---patiešām ieteiktu! Nav labāka rēķinu izstādīšanas veida.

  • IT vitamin

    IT vitamin


    Man patiesi patīk izmantot Invoice123. Tas ir vienkāršs un ir iespējams izstādīt rēķinus klientiem ļoti ātri.